Statute of AAD e.V. (Alopecia Areata Germany e.V.)
Bonn, 23.03.2014
§ 1 Name and registered office of the association, financial year
The association bears the name “Alopecia Areata Germany e.V. “, abbreviated to” AAD “, and is based in Bonn. The association was registered on 10.06.1991 under number VR 6155 in the register of associations of the District Court of Bonn, and bears since then the addition “registered association” (e.V.). The financial year is the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose of the association and objectives
The purpose of the association is to promote public health in the field of severe hair loss (Alopecia Areata). The purpose of the association is achieved, in particular, by: counseling and caring for Alopecia Areata patients, representing their interests in associations and other institutions, promoting Alopecia Areata research, informing the public in the field of Alopecia Areata.
§ 3 Charitable status
- The association pursues exclusive and immediate charitable purposes according to the section “tax privileged purposes” of the tax law. The association is purely charitable: it does not pursue its own economic purpose first and foremost.
- Funds of the association may only be used for statutory purposes. The members receive in their capacity as members no donations from funds of the association.
- No person may be favored by excessive expenses which are foreign to the purposes of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.
§ 4 Membership
- Members and acquisition of the membership: The association AAD accepts regular and sponsoring members. Ordinary member can be any natural person who supports the goals of the association. Sponsoring members can be both legal and natural persons who wish to support the work of the AAD. Admission to the association must be requested in writing. The board decides on the acceptance of the application by written notification.
- Membership list and membership fees: The association keeps a list of members. The data may only be used for the association’s own purposes. The minimum annual contribution is appointed by the Members’ Assembly. The contribution is paid by authorization to the SEPA Direct Debit mandate. In case of leaving the association and its dissolution, the paid contribution will not be refunded. The minimum annual contribution may only be reduced, canceled or waived by the Board of the Association after a reasoned request and annual proof.
- Termination of Membership: Membership ends by resignation, expulsion or death. The membership is terminated by a resignation. The resignation must be addressed in writing to the office. The withdrawal takes place at the end of a calendar year. A period of three months must be observed. A member can be excluded from the association if the contribution obligation is not fulfilled. The contribution must be made no later than 30.06. of each calendar year (if membership already exists at that time) on the bank account. It is sufficient to make a one-time written request for payment. If the member does not comply with this request for payment, the association is entitled to deny the non-payer the use of the website and the reference to the information services from 01.07. of the calendar year
In case of a gross violation of the interests of the association, the board can exclude the member without prior notice and without hearing.
§ 5 The organs of the association
The organs of the association are: a) the executive board b) the general assembly c) the advisory council
- Executive Board: 1. The executive board consists of the chairman, the deputy chairman and the secretary. The board is elected by the general assembly for a term of three years. The board within the meaning of § 26 BGB is the chairman, as well as the deputy chairman. Each of these is authorized to represent alone. In the internal relationship, the association is initially represented only by the chairman, or, should he be prevented from fulfilling his duties, by the deputy chairman. The board can give orders.
- General Assembly: The regular General Assembly takes place once a year. The General Assembly has a quorum if its members have been invited to attend this meeting with four weeks’ notice in writing, indicating the agenda, regardless of the number of members present. Only regular members have the right to vote in the General Assembly. Resolutions are passed by a simple majority. The General Assembly is chaired by the chairman, if he is unable to attend, by the deputy chairman; if this is also prevented, the general assembly elects a meeting leader. By resolution of the General Assembly, the agenda established by the Board may be amended or supplemented. The General Assembly decides on the acceptance of resolutions by the majority of the valid votes cast; Abstentions are regarded as invalid votes. Applications must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors two weeks prior to the General Assembly.
The following points are not to be included into the agenda after the invitation to the General Assembly has been sent out:
- Election of the Board
- Changes to the Statutes
- Contributions Matters
Extra General Assembly may be convened if the Management Board or at least 5% of the members so request.
§ 6 Logging of resolutions
The minutes of the general meeting are to be signed by the session leader and the secretary. The protocol must be sent to all members in a suitable form.
§ 7 Changes to the Statutes
Changes to the Statutes may be approved by the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority of the members present. The wording of the proposed amendments to the statutes must be sent to all members with the invitation to the general meeting.
§ 8 Dissolution of the association
If the association is dissolved or if its previous purpose ceases, the assets of the association are paid to the German Joint Welfare Association, which directly and exclusively uses them for charities or the purposes of the church.
§ 9 Entry into force
The original statutes entered into force on the day of the founding meeting on 03.02.1991. This statute has been adopted in the present and revised form by the general meeting of the Alopecia Areata Germany e.V. on 20.03.2009 and became effective with the entry in the register of associations.