The Medical Advisory Council of the AAD e.V.

The AAD e.V. is very proud of its medical advisory council, which closely supports us in matters of research. You can find a list of practicing physicians with experience in AA in our directory »

Prof. Dr. Bettina Blaumeiser MD PhD
Specialist in Gynecology and Clinical Genetics, Department of Medical Genetics, University Hospital & University of Antwerp

Prof. Dr. med. Ulrike Blume-Peytavi
Specialist in Dermatology, Comm. Director of the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology; Head of the Clinical Research Center for Hair and Skin Science, Charité-Medical University Berlin

Prof. Dr. med. Pia Freyschmidt-Paul
Specialist in Dermatology, Dermatology Practice, Schwalmstadt-Treysa

Dr. med. Günter Gerhardt
Specialist in General Medicine and Psychotherapy, Wendelsheim

Prof. Dr. med. Henning Hamm
Dermatologist, Senior Consultant – Dermatology Hospital and Polyclinic, Würzburg

Prof. Dr. med. Rolf Hoffmann
Practicing dermatovenerologist, Dermaticum – Dermatology Practice, Freiburg

Prof. Dr. med. Franklin Kiesewetter
Specialist in dermatology, Senior Physician – Dermatological University Hospital and Polyclinic Erlangen

PD Dr. med. Christian Kunte
Specialist in dermatology, MVZ ARTEMED-Specialized clinic, Munich

Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard A. Lutz
Specialist in dermatology, Hair & Nail, Bonn

Prof. Dr. med. Markus M. Nöthen
Specialist in human genetics, Director of the Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, Head of the Department of Genomics at the Research Center Life & Brain, Bonn

Dr. med. Corinna Peter
Specialist in Dermatology, Dermatology and hair consultation practice, Hamburg

Prof. Dr. med. G. Plewig
Specialist in dermatology, former Director – Dermatological Clinic and Polyclinic Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich

Dr. med. Frank-Matthias Schaart
Dermatologist, DermoCosmetic Center Hamburg, Dr. Schaart’s Dermatological practice, Hamburg

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Silke Redler
Specialist in Human Genetics, Institute of Human Genetics, University of Düsseldorf

Prof. Dr. med. Wolf-Ingo Worret
Dermatologist, former Senior Physician – Dermatology and Allergology Hospital and Polyclinic, Munich Technical University, Munich